Technical Notes

Manpages - isotest.1


isotest - ISO testing


isotest </MODE/> [/OPTIONS/] [/bdaddr/] [/bdaddr1/]…


isotest(1) is used to test Isochronous (CIS/BIS) communications on the BlueZ stack


-d, –dump=[FILE] Listen and dump incoming data
(CIS server/BIS broadcaster) and optionally save the contents to FILE.
-c/,/ –reconnect
Reconnect (CIS client).
-m/,/ –multiple
Multiple connects (CIS client).
  • -r, –receive=[FILE] Receive (CIS server/BIS broadcast receiver) and :: optionally save the contents to /FILE/*.*
  • -s, –send=[FILE] Connect and send (CIS client/BIS broadcaster), can :: optionally use contents from /FILE/*.*
-n/,/ –silent
Connect and be silent (CIS client/BIS broadcaster).


Send or Receive packet size
Select the specified HCI device index. /hciNUM/* is* also acceptable.
Socket jitter buffer.

-h, –help

-q,* –quiet*
Disables packet logging.
Socket send timeout.
-C,* –continue*
Continuously send packets starting over in case of a file.
Enable deferred setup.
Socket QoS SDU.
-S, –sca/adv-interval=<SCA/INTERVAL>
Socket QoS CIS SCA/BIS advertising interval.
Socket QoS Packing.
PACKING Description
0x00 Sequential
0x01 Interleaved
Socket QoS Framing.
FRAMING Description
0x00 Unframed
0x01 Framed
Socket QoS Interval.
Socket QoS Latency.
Socket QoS PHY.
PHY Description
0x01 LE 1M
0x02 LE 2M
0x03 LE Coded
Socket QoS retransmissions.
Socket QoS preset.

-G, –CIG/BIG=<ID> Socket QoS CIG/BIG ID.

-T, –CIS/BIS=<ID> Socket QoS CIS/BIS ID.

Socket destination address type:
TYPE Description
le_public LE Public Address
le_random LE Random Address
Socket QoS BIG Encryption
ENCRYPTION Description
0x00 BIG unencrypted
0x01 BIG encrypted
Socket QoS Broadcast Code
Number of BISes to create as part of a BIG (BIS broadcaster) or to synchronize to (BIS broadcast receiver)


Unicast Central

$ tools/isotest -s XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

Unicast Central connecting to 2 peers using CIG 0x01

$ tools/isotest -G 0x01 -s XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY

Unicast Peripheral

$ tools/isotest -d


$ tools/isotest -s 00:00:00:00:00:00

Broadcast Receiver using hci1

$ tools/isotest -i hci1 -d XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX





Luiz Augusto Von Dentz <[email protected]>


Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).